creation date:
At work we have one db master and some slaves. It would alleviate the load of the master database if we could send some (or all!) of the reads to the slave(s) and the writes to the master.
Seeing that Ecto uses the repository pattern it seemed to me that adding another database connection to my phoenix project was a trivial thing.
That was my guess, so I asked in #elixir if adding another DB connection with Ecto was as trivial as it looked, and this is the response I got:
<jeregrine> edmz: it is exactly that trivial
<jeregrine> part of what makes ecto great is the query generation
and the repo are decoupled
So I decided to give it a try. I created a new phoenix project:
mix dual_ecto --database mysql
I added the credentials to dev.exs for the other database:
config :dual_ecto, DualEcto.Repo,
adapter: Ecto.Adapters.MySQL,
username: "readwrite_user",
password: "bleh",
database: "data",
hostname: "master_server",
pool_size: 10
# notice the module name
config :dual_ecto, DualEcto.RepoReadOnly,
adapter: Ecto.Adapters.MySQL,
username: "readonly_user",
password: "foo",
database: "data",
hostname: "slave_server",
pool_size: 10
Now, notice that the second set of credentials refers to a repo called RepoReadOnly. We need to create that module and also ensure that it is started.
First, add the module to the supervision tree of your main module, which in my case is called DualEcto:
children = [
# Start the endpoint when the application starts
supervisor(DualEcto.Endpoint, []),
# Start the Ecto repository
supervisor(DualEcto.Repo, []),
supervisor(DualEcto.RepoReadOnly, []), # <- new line!
# Here you could define other workers and supervisors as children
# worker(DualEcto.Worker, [arg1, arg2, arg3]),
And then create the actual module, which looks like this:
defmodule DualEcto.RepoReadOnly do
use Ecto.Repo, otp_app: :dual_ecto
Now, it is only a matter of using it in your model (or ‘schema’, as they are called in Ecto 2.0).
defmodule DualEcto.User do
use DualEcto.Web, :model
alias __MODULE__
alias DualEcto.Repo
alias DualEcto.RepoReadOnly
# obviously, this table exists in both dbs
schema "users" do
field :email, :string
# this one reads from the readonly db
def all(:readonly) do
# this one reads from master
def all() do
I created a very naive model that just does simple selects, but there is nothing stopping you for using one module when doing updates and another one when doing selects.